Категорія: Треккінгові
DailyTour E+ 1 BD (GE) GTS
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The SyncDrive motor has a Smart Assist mode, which determines the support you need and automatically adjusts power output.
The RideDash Evo with on-board navigation helps riders find their way, and smartphone connectivity makes it easy to keep the battery charged.
Integrated lights run in all light conditions, day and night, to increase visibility on the road.
How far can I expect to ride on a single battery charge?
The range for a single battery charge can vary greatly depending on conditions such as the combined weight of the rider and cargo; wind resistance; tire pressure and tread profile; terrain and elevation changes; road or trail surface; outdoor temperature; maintenance of the E-Bike; and the condition of the battery.
The bar below gives an approximate range. Conditions are categorized as extreme, good and ideal. Extreme conditions typically occur when riding with a heavy load, strong headwinds or excessive climbs.
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