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I live on a rock in the ocean off the coast of Vancouver, Canada, and my spirit animal is a house cat. My interests include sending it on my DH bike, flying airplanes, building and filming trails.
TeamAmbassador Community
HometownCalgary, Alberta, Canada
Where you live nowNanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
Favorite bikeReign Advanced Pro 29
Career highlightsFilming "Flight Path" Competing in the Rampage freeride competition
Main cycling disciplinesFreeride
Favorite place to rideIt’s a toss-up between Whistler Bike Park or Kamloops Bike Ranch
Current favorite cycling gearThe Giant digital floor and shock pumps make my life so much easier—clutch items for me
Dream destinationI’ve visited New Zealand a couple times to ride, and it’s always so fun. You can ride three different types of bikes in one day over a variety of terrains. Doesn’t get old!
What are you carrying on a long ride?My gross mouth guard
If you could ride with one person, living or dead, it would beOrville and Wilber Wright. Not only they did invent and fly the first airplane, but they owned a bike shop and were mechanics. I bet they ripped.

Tips for new ridersHave fun with it! Trust the process of learning, crashing and scaring yourself, and your riding will grow
Words to live byYou miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. – Wayne Gretzky