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ARX 16 F/W


Why should lightweight performance be limited to adult bikes? This sleek little aluminum flyer is the lightest in its category, and it’s designed with stable geometry that makes it easy for young riders to get going.

Most youth bikes are constructed with heavier frames and materials, but we designed the ARX to be lighter, quicker, and more fun for young riders. Fact is, smaller riders can benefit even more from a lighter bike. With its ALUXX aluminum frame and fork, ARX is the lightest bike in its category—which makes it more fun to ride. The frame features a lower center of gravity for added stability. It comes in three different wheel size choices for different heights, and has versatile tires that can handle rough roads, paths and even some dirt. The frame is fitted with lightweight components that are sized specifically for young riders, including cranksets and cockpit components for various wheel options (16, 20 or 24).

Key Performance Factors


High-quality ALUXX aluminum construction delivers exceptional frame performance with lightest weight in its category.

Youth-specific features

Lightweight components for enhanced control and safe, ergonomic positioning and fit.


Comes with tires that can be ridden on roads, gravel or dirt.

Techs & Features

ALUXX Aluminum Technology

Ghid de marimi si Geometrii

Marimile prezentate mai jos sunt numai de referinta. Pentru alegerea unei marimi corecte este necesar sa vizitati un Dealer Giant sau Liv, sau sa cereti consultanta online.

Selection of a button will change the units measurement displayed throughout the entire sizing guide section.
  • One Size
      105 cm3’5”  to 125 cm4’1”
bike diagram with measurements referenced in table that follows
Selection of a button will change the units measurement displayed throughout the entire sizing guide section.
  One Size
BSeat Tube Angle (degrees)72,0°
CTop Tube Length (mm) (inch)38015
DHead Tube Length (mm) (inch)1104,3
EHead Tube Angle (degrees)71,0°
HWheelbase (mm) (inch)74029,1
IChain Stay Length (mm) (inch)31612,4
KStack (mm) (inch)33813,3
LReach (mm) (inch)27010,6
MStand Over Height (mm) (inch)38515,2
PCrank Length (mm) (inch)893,5
  • Marimi
    one size
  • Culori
    Pure Red/Black, Orange/Black
  • Cadru
    ALUXX-Grade Aluminum
  • Furca
  • Soc
  • Ghidon
    Giant Youth, 50mm rise, 480mm width
  • Pipa
    steel, quill
  • Tija sa
    alloy, 27.20 mm
  • Sa
    Giant Grow Technology
  • Pedale
  • Manete schimbator
  • Schimbator fata
  • Schimbator spate
  • Frane
    alloy, linear pull
  • Manete frana
    alloy, junior MTB
  • Pinioane
  • Lant
    KMC C410
  • Angrenaj
    alloy, forged, three-piece, 28t
  • Bottom Bracket
    sealed cartridge
  • Jante
    Giant Kids 16", alloy
  • Butuci
    alloy, F/R 20/20h
  • Spite
    stainless, 14g
  • Anvelope
    Innova IA-2084, 16X1.5
  • Extras
    chain cover
  • Greutate
    Cat cantareste bicicleta? Este o intrebare uzuala si indreptatita. Adevarul este ca nu exista un standard al industriei care sa reglementeze aceasta masurare, si asta duce la multe confuzii. Variatiile au drept cauza marimile si materialul cadrului, finisajele si echiparile. Cum tendinta este spre o greutate mai redusa, fiecare astfel de detaliu conteaza. GIANT considera ca singura cale prin care poti fi sigur 100% de greutatea unei biciclete este de a solicita cantarirea ei la magazin.

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Toate specificatiile enumerate se pot schimba fara notificare prealabila.