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Zwift Americas Hump Day Ride

Weekly on Wednesdays at 5PM PST

Zwift Watopia

Are you ready to join one of the largest and fastest-growing group rides on Zwift? Join us every Wednesday at 5:00 PM PDT for the weekly Americas Hump Day Ride presented by Giant Bicycles.

The Americas Hump Day Ride (AHDR) is two events in one, starting with a moderate effort of 2.3 - 2.8 w/kg. Use this time to warm-up, chat with fellow Zwifters, and maybe decide on a wheel or two you’re ready to get on.

Because the AHDR gets spicy after the leader announces the start of the After Party: a 20-minute race. Be sure to listen to the ride leader’s instructions, before digging deep. Or not. If you want to keep it casual, it’s all good.

During the After Party the ride leader acts as a sweep, riding with the After Party cruisers, so everyone finishes together.

Complete the AHDR, and you’ll automatically unlock the awesome Americas HDR p/b Giant kit! Join the fun where the Bison roam!

Plus d'informations
